Why are we doing the research?

The management of patients with type 2 diabetes is increasingly challenging for two main reasons. Firstly the condition is becoming more common, and secondly there is now compelling evidence that achieving good levels of control of blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol is effective in reducing risk, and is probably cost effective. Recent audits have shown that general practice is struggling to achieve good levels of control in their patients with diabetes, especially in areas such as Leicester and Coventry with high levels of deprivation and ethnic mix.

One method of supporting general practices is the establishment of intermediate care clinics, but this approach has never been evaluated in a trial and so we do know its effectiveness and cost effectiveness, or how users of the service feel about it. For example other approaches such as support within the practice may suit patients better and enhance continuity of care.

Three local primary care trusts are about to introduce intermediate care clinics, and have agreed to the proposed evaluation. We plan to randomly allocate practices to an intervention group which will have access to the new service, and a usual care group which will continue as before. The aim of the research is to compare the control of diabetes achieved in patients in the intervention arm (whether or not they actually attend the intermediate care clinics) with the usual care arm by conducting a baseline assessment and repeating this 18 months later. We will also compare quality of life, satisfaction with services and views on continuity of care, and the cost effectiveness of the new service. Finally we elicit patients’ views of the new service by interview, and other stakeholders by focus group.

User representatives will be included in the steering group, and have already made useful contributions to protocol development.

What happens at the research assessments?

What happens at the research assessments?

You can get further information on taking part in the about taking part section of this website

If you'd like to speak to someone about the study, please call: +44 (0)116 252 5473 or contact by e-mail